The primary foundation to be supported by this massive consolidation of creativity and glory : -- The Andrew Gomez Dream Foundation, founded by the Dean of the Paul Mitchell Schools. The Andrew Gomez Dream Foundation was established to honor a Paul Mitchell cosmetology student whose struggle against mental illness ended tragically in suicide. The Andrew Gomez Dream Foundation helps disadvantaged or hard-hit cosmetologists and cosmetology-related enterprises. Funds have provided educational opportunities, relief and financial services and support in the fights against breast cancer, domestic violence and other destroyers of self-esteem.
The hair and makeup stylists at Lunatic Fringe donated time, energy, product, etc to put together the magnificent show you'll see below...Thus far we haven't seen any of these looks translate to mainstream fashion sense on the streets...but there are a couple I sure hope people adopt...

Not only do the stylists use natural hair and body contours for this show, but they bring in some of the most creative elements they can think of to add to the models' natural beauty.

Straw, feathers, fabric, colorful dyes, beads, yarn, etc. Anything you can think of that might be versatile enough to make the audience say "hmmm..." and "wow!" in quick succession, was added to the show.

This hair-raising (he he, I couldnt' help it...) fashion show was hosted at Pierpont Place last year for the first time, and we are SO glad they chose to come back! Giving Back is the New Black was bigger and better than before, and every new look that came out from the back was a new chance to "ooh" and "ahh" at the meticulous detail put into each look, and the absolute poise embodied by each model.

Lunatic Fringe, we'll look forward to having you back with us next year!
Thanks to all of you who came to support, and we hope you had a blast! Please get in touch with us, we'd love to hear from you!